Parachuting, Personal Development, Poppy Appeal and Parades!
Parachuting is one of the unique activities on offer to cadets within the Air Training Corps, which most other youth organisations cannot facilitate! The Air Cadet Parachuting Course, which is open to cadets aged 16 and over, takes place at the Force Development Training Centre at RAF Weston-on-the-Green and consists of two elements, Ground School and static line parachute jumps.

Personal Development is an ongoing project within the squadron, which is currently focusing on developing the cadet’s confidence and employability skills. With each session having a different topic, cadets have looked at producing a CV, interview technique, effective communication and presentation skills, to name a few. At the end of the project, the cadets will use the skills they have learnt to give a presentation and participate in an interview.
Each year, cadets from around the country join forces with thousands of other volunteers to raise money for the Royal British Legion as part of the Poppy Appeal, which raises money to allow them the ability to provide lifelong support to serving and ex-serving personnel and their families. The Royal British Legion also lead the nation in commemorating and honouring those who have served and sacrificed, through the wearing of poppies, and through services and parades throughout the country.

Throughout the year, the squadron participates in a number of parades, ranging from small services within the community up to large Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets events, such as the Battle of Britain parade at Durham Cathedral. On key anniversaries, for example the formation of the RAF or the ATC, regional parades were held around the country, with cadets even participating in the national parade in London. As always, cadets from around the country will be out in force over the coming week as part of the Armistice Day commemorations.
Do you fancy getting involved in any of these activities? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experienc1423es and making new friends? Aged between 12 (and in year 8 ) and 17? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now, send us a message to find out more and join us next week as we continue our #WhatWeDoWednesday articles.