Flying & Gliding

Air Experience Flying


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On average twice a month, four cadets will get the chance to go flying at RAF Leeming in North Yorkshire. While the cadets are up in the air, they get the chance to try some aerobatics and take control of the aircraft. The aircraft we use is the Grob Tutor, a single engine aircraft.

Serving RAF pilots will be alongside the cadets while they are in the aircraft and they often get to experience aerobatics, and sometimes carry them out themselves! There are many types of aerobatics, e.g. loops, barrel rolls, stall turns and Cuban 8′s.

You can also take flying further by applying for a flying scholarship where you learn to fly the aircraft by yourself.

Cadets in the past have had opportunities to fly in Civil Airliners as well as large RAF aircraft, you may even be given the chance to fly in a fast jet; cadets have even flown with the Red Arrows in the past!



As with Flying, all cadets are given the opportunity to go gliding. This is with No. 645 Volunteer Gliding School (VGS) based at RAF Topcliffe. 645 VGS operates the Grob Viking glider.

As with Flying cadets are given the opportunity to participate in Glider Training, even allowing them to fly solo and become qualified glider pilots.

Gliding is different to flying as you use thermals to keep you in the air and don’t rely on the engine. When you go gliding, you have a pilot in the glider with you. Cadets undertake the Gliding Induction Course (GIC) and this comprises of three different levels.

You will also get the opportunity to do a gliding scholarship, which involves gliding solo. to apply for a gliding scholarship, you must be aged 16 or over.