
Q) What age can you join at?

A) You can start between the ages of 12 and 17, right up to the day before your 18th birthday.

Q) How much does it cost?
A) It costs £2 per Parade Night.

Q) Can girls join the ATC?
A) Yes, absolutely!

Q) How old do you have to be to start flying, gliding etc?
A) You can start going flying and gliding once you are enrolled, which is about one month after you first join and are 13 years 3 months old.

Q) What sports do you play?
A) Football, Rugby, Netball, Table Tennis, Swimming, Hockey, Cross Country, Athletics.

Q) What can you gain out of going to cadets?
A) Experience, qualifications, knowledge, making new friends, leadership skills and teamwork skills.

Q) How long do you have to be in cadets before you can get your uniform?
A) You have to have been in cadets for around one month and be formally enrolled.

Q) Does the uniform cost anything?
A) No, the uniform does not cost anything, but you do have to supply your own shoes.

Q)Do you have to be fit to join the air cadets?
A) No, anyone can join and you can get fitter by attending the sports nights that we hold.

Q) What is the ATC all about?
A)  The Air Training Corps is a youth organisation supported by the RAF. It is not a recruiting organisation, but if you are planning on joining any of the Armed Forces, it will provide you with loads of useful skills & experiences.

Q) What do you do on squadron nights?
A) We have lectures on a variety of topics for our classification exams, and we do a lot of fieldcraft training, BTEC Diploma & Duke of Edinburgh Award preparation, shooting and projects.

Q) What do you do in projects?
A) “Projects” is where you can choose from a range of available activities such as Aeromodelling, First Aid, Marksmanship, Radio Communications and Aircraft Recognition.

Q) Do you have any weekends away?
A) Yes, we have at least one weekend away every year with the whole squadron, where we do lots of different activities. We also have Day Walks throughout the year, as well as Duke of Edinburgh’s Award expeditions and annual camps.

Q) What do you do on a camp?
A) On a camp, you are based at an active RAF station, where you do a range of activites including sport, flying, gliding, shooting, section visits and initiative excercises.

Q) How old do you have to be to do a flying scholarship?

A) You have to be 16 years old.

Q) Where do we go flying?
A) RAF Leeming

Q) Which rifles do we use?
A) L98 A2 and Number 8 rifle.

Q) When you go flying and gliding, which aircraft do you use?
A) You fly the Grob Tutor and glide in Grob Viking.

Q) Can you go to other countries with the cadets?
A) Yes, you can take either go on summer camps to RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus or Rheindalen, Germany, as well as having the option of taking part in the International Air Cadet Exchange once a year. However, you must be 16 years old, have a current passport and go through selection interviews.

Q) When do you have to salute?
A) You salute on parade, for HM The Queen and any commissioned officer (e.g. RAF, Royal Navy or British Army).

Q) How short does your hair have to be?
A) For girls any length as long as it is wrapped up; for boys it must not touch your ears or shirt collar.