Congratulations to CWO Low who has been selected as North Region”s nomination for the Dacre Sword (Best Male Cadet). This is a great achievement for both him and the squadron. It is the first time that a cadet from this squadron has…

Congratulations to CWO Low who has been selected as North Region”s nomination for the Dacre Sword (Best Male Cadet). This is a great achievement for both him and the squadron. It is the first time that a cadet from this squadron has…
1338 (Seaham) Squadron are proud to announce that we have been awarded a £25,000 grant for a new minibus. The grant was awarded by the Armed Forces Community Covenant Grant and Durham Community Foundation, whom we would sincerely like to…
1338 (Seaham) Squadron have begun preparations for the annual Wing Competitions day – an opportunity for all 35 squadrons in Durham and Northumberland Wing to compete in Aero-modelling, First Aid, Drill, Banner Drill, Aircraft Recognition & Photography. If squadrons do…
On the 14th September 2014, Seaham Squadron participated in a parade at Durham Cathedral which is held to commemorate the Battle of Britain. It is an incredibly important event, organised to remember those who fought in the Battle of Britain and…
CWO Tyler Low of 1338 (Seaham) Squadron has recently returned from test week of Junior Leaders after graduating course XV. Considered the most arduous and prestigious course the Royal Air Force Air Cadets has to offer, it challenges its students…