Qualified Aerospace Instructors Course and Qualifications!
The RAFAC Qualified Aerospace Instructors Course (QAIC) is one of the top courses within the Air Training Corps, aimed at the more senior cadets. First formed in September 2008, QAIC is now on its twelfth cohort of cadets. Each course starts in early September with a Selection weekend. This is followed by seven training weekends culminating in a Graduation week just before Easter. The training weekends consist of eight modules which include: Aerospace Activity Planning, Air Power, Air Traffic Controls, Aerodynamics, Aviation Studies, Instructional Technique, Basic Flight Training and Radio Communications. All of the skills and techniques developed during the 6 month course provide graduates with the confidence and ability to run aerospace related activities such as regional activity centre weekends, deliver engaging aerospace lessons as well as helping to put them on a career path within the aerospace industry.

Last week saw a selection of qualifications presented to cadets, including a Blue (Air Rifle) Trained Shot for Cdt Tanner, a Blue (Air Rifle) Marksman for Cdt Bosworth, a Blue Radio Operator badge for Cdt Green, an Intermediate Swimming Certificate for Cdt Stewart and a Bronze National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS). Well done to all who received their certificates and badges.

Do you fancy getting involved in any of these activities? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experienc1423es and making new friends? Aged between 12 (and in year 8 ) and 17? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now, send us a message to find out more and join us next week as we continue our #WhatWeDoWednesday articles.
Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets
North Region – Royal Air Force Air Cadets
Commandant Air Cadets