Map Reading, Mountain Biking, Model Making and Museum Visits!
A key skill which has a number of benefits is map reading. The ability to read a map allows cadets to participate in adventure training activities, such as the previously mentioned Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, or the National Navigation Award Scheme (which features in the next #WhatWeDoWednesday). Map reading includes understanding the different types of maps, the language and symbols used and key features, all of which make navigation easier. At the most basic level, it is taught to new recruits as part of their first classification training and as such, all cadets have some knowledge of map reading, even if they don’t go on to complete further studies.

As with expeditions, Mountain Biking is an Adventure Training activity. Cadets are able to develop their skills and the techniques required to safely traverse mountain biking courses of varying difficulties, all under the supervision of trained instructors.
As part of the annual wing competitions day, an aircraft model making competition is held. Aeromodelling develops skills of both individuals and groups, requiring patience, concentration and in some cases, teamwork and effective communication.
Over the last two years the squadron has teamed up with 111 (Sunderland) Squadron ATC to offer special visits to cadets. These museum visits have taken cadets far and wide around the UK to learn about a variety of historical topics. Visits so far have included the National Museum of Flight Scotland, Alnwick Castle, Imperial War Museum Duxford, Eden Camp, National Museum of the Royal Navy Hartlepool, Heugh Battery and Beamish, with many more planned in the future.
Do you fancy getting involved in any of these activities? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experiences and making new friends? Aged between 12 (and in year 8 ) and 17? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now, send us a message to find out more and join us next week as we continue our #WhatWeDoWednesday articles.
Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets
North Region – Royal Air Force Air Cadets
Commandant Air Cadets