Another Busy Weekend For Seaham

Over the weekend the squadron saw cadets and staff participating in another litter pick – making this our 9th litter pick that we have completed. Also, 8 cadets sat through a 5 hour long Bronze Cyber Course in order to gain their Bronze Cyber badge.

The litter pick, which was located at Wembley Field for 2 hours on Saturday, allowed cadets to add more volunteering hours up towards their level of the Duke of Edinburgh. Although, no trolleys or sofas were found, cadets still managed to gather more litter whilst having fun. The cadets were always smiling during this activity and although it was extremely hot, the morale was kept to a maximum.

On Sunday, 8 cadets sat through a 5-hour presentation towards their Bronze Cyber Badge. This presentation included various practical activities such as a basic hack into a network, which gave the cadets an insight into how easy it is for a hacker to get into a network if a default password has not been changed. The presentation also gave information on how to keep your details secure when using public Wi-Fi. Overall, the information from the course was taken on board since Sgt Lowes decided to download a VPN app onto his phone after the course. Also, Cpl Kennedy said “I feel proper paranoid now” during the course.


Overall, the litter pick was yet again another success for the cadets of Seaham and the 8 cadets who attended the cyber course are now awaiting their new Bronze Cyber badges.

Article produced by CPL Winder

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