Shooting, Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Course, Swimming and Snowboarding!
Shooting is one of the core activities within the air cadets and as with the majority of others, it is progressive. The five main opportunities to shoot includes the use of air rifles (blue badges), 0.22 live fire rifles (bronze badges), L98A2 cadet general purpose rifles (silver badges), L81A2 cadet target rifle (gold badges) and shotgun shooting. Within each of the categories of weapon system there are four levels of progression – trained shot, marksman, advanced marksman and competition marksman. The squadron undertakes regular shoots and has its own air rifle range on site, as well as the ability to use nearby live fire ranges. Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets also has a regular program of L98A2 and L81A2 shoots arranged, normally in preparation for shooting competitions. This year cadets from 1338 have competed in the ISCRM, IMPERIAL and CISSAM shooting competitions, resulting in 2 Cadet 100 badges.
Following on from the skills a Non-Commissioned Officer will learn at a Junior Non-Commissioned Officer (JNCO) course, the Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO) course pushed cadets further in their development of key skills. Held every two months, these courses (which are normally residential) develop the NCO’s of the future, teaching the skills required to be an effective Sergeant or Flight Sergeant. During the weekend the NCO’s will undertake a mix of taught and practical sessions to improve their knowledge and understanding of their role and how to ensure they are effective in this role, receiving feedback along the way. Upon successful completion of the SNCO course, the cadets will receive their Silver leadership badge.
The ability to swim is a key skill for anyone to have, as well as being a great way to stay healthy. Throughout the year, cadets have multiple opportunities to participate in swimming sessions, working towards their swimming proficiencies. This could be a dedicated swimming evening on a parade night, part of a water sports activity (such as kayaking) or during annual camps to RAF bases. The practise also prepares the cadets for the annual swimming competition.

Snowboarding is an adventure training activity which is making a reappearance to the squadron. A number of years ago cadets participated in taster sessions in the sport and due to a number of recent requests, sessions have been booked in for the coming month. Watch this space to see how the cadets get on!
Do you fancy getting involved in any of these activities? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experiences and making new friends? Aged between 12 (and in year 8 ) and 17? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now, send us a message to find out more and join us next week as we continue our #WhatWeDoWednesday articles.
North Region – Royal Air Force Air Cadets
Commandant Air Cadets