Shooting Development

Once again, it was another active weekend for the squadron this weekend. On Saturday, cadets who are planning on completing their Duke of Edinburgh Award this year attended the squadron to complete the necessary planning and online administration surrounding their award. They selected which activities they would be carrying out for their Volunteering, Physical and Skill section, which they will be completing for between 3 and 12 months, for at least 1 hour a week.

This weekend also provided a wide variety of shooting related activities, with cadets attending Durham Northumberland Wing Air Cadets Headquarters on Saturday and Sunday to complete their L98A2 weapons handling training and test, which will enable them to live fire them on both short and long ranges. When asked about the day, Cadet White said “It was a very enjoyable day overall, and I am pleased that we will be able to participate in shoots with the wing in the future”.

On Sunday, cadets also undertook training on the L81A2 rifle in preparation for the long range outdoor ranges happening later in the year, preparing them to compete in the annual Inter-Services shooting competition at Bisley. In addition to this, 8 cadets attended Marne Barracks to participate in shotgun shooting, which is a regular activity within the wing. Cadet Boxall said “Today was a great experience to see what it’s like to shoot a shotgun for the first time, as it was for most of us. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and would love to shoot the shotgun again”.

Cadet Jones also represented the wing in the inter-wing Netball competition.

How did your weekend compare? Aged 12-17? Are you up for fun, adventure, incredible experiences and making new friends? JOIN AIR CADETS. We are recruiting now – Send us a message to find out more.

North Region – Royal Air Force Air Cadets
Commandant Air Cadets

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